
Plantain Infused Oil

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Plantain Infused Oil
Product Details

Label: Beneficial Botanicals
Botanical Name: Plantago major (broad leaf)
Parts Used: leaves
Organic: Yes
Origin: USA
Infusion Oil: Organic Olive Oil, Vitamin E Oil

Plantain may be used on its own as a single topical medicine, or in combination with other infused oils.

For Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac: Use as a single topical plant medicine, or combine with Jewelweed Oil to get immediate relief for poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac skin rashes. The compounds in the Plantain work by neutralizing the urushiol oil (from poison ivy) that bonds to the proteins in the skin, causing the rash reaction. Apply 3 times in an 8 hour period with a sterile cloth or cotton ball, saturating the rash area. Continue to apply until itching has completely subsided.

For Bee, Wasp, and Insect Stings: Plantain Oil, by itself, is an excellent choice to get immediate relief from the intense, sharp pain and itching from bee stings, wasp stings, and other insect bites. Apply as quickly as possible after being stung to neutralize the venom before it has a chance to disperse deep into the layers of the skin. Apply directly and continue to keep the oil on the sting until the pain subsides.

For Diaper Rash: Use as directed for Poison Ivy.

For Shingles and Herpes Eruptions: Combined with the powerful antiviral properties of Thyme Oil, this topical application will drastically reduce the healing time to as little as 3 days. Apply 3 times every 8 hours with a sterile cloth or cotton ball, saturating the shingles rash area. Continue to apply daily until the eruption has stopped itching and the skin begins to heal. Follow up with Vitamin E Oil to minimize scarring.

How to Make Easy, Effective Topical Salves:
For Herpes and Shingles Eruptions - Combine equal amounts infused oils of Thyme and Plantain with beeswax at a low heat, then cool.
For Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rash - Combine equal amounts infused oils of Thyme, Plantain, and Jewelweed with beeswax at a low heat, then cool.

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