
Jewelweed Infused Oil

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Product Details

Label: Beneficial Botanicals
Botanical Name: Impatiens capensis
Parts Used: leaves and flowers
Organic: Yes
Origin: USA
Infusion Oil: Virgin Olive Oil

Jewelweed may be used on its own for single topical application, or in combination with other infused oils such as Plaintain Infused Oil to get immediate relief for poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac skin rashes. The compounds in the Jewelweed work by neutralizing the urushiol oil (from poison ivy) that bonds to the proteins in the skin, causing the rash reaction.

Apply 3 times in an 8 hour period with a sterile cloth or cotton ball, saturating the rash area.

How to Make Easy, Effective Topical Salves:
For Herpes and Shingles Eruptions - Combine equal amounts infused oils of Thyme and Plantain with beeswax at a low heat, then cool.
For Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Rash - Combine equal amounts infused oils of Thyme, Plantain, and Jewelweed with beeswax at a low heat, then cool.
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