
Into The Weeds First Aid Kit Refills - Bottles

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Product Details

Fresh is best when it comes to natural products. Into the Weeds First Aid Kit Refills can be individually purchased to add to your kit, replace used-up kit contents, or collected to put together for a new one.

Aloe Vera Gel (3 ml)
Treat Scalds, Burns, & Sunburns

Arnica Soothing Oil (3 ml)
Sore Muscles, Sprains, Strains, Bruises & Arthritis Pain

Chigger Relief (.2 dry oz)
Stops the Itching from Chigger Bites
Ginger Crystals (.2 dry oz)
Relieves Nausea, Gas, & Motion Sickness
Hide Healer Oil (3 ml)
Treat Cuts, Burns, Herpes & Shingles Eruptions
Lavender EO (3 ml)
For Headache Relief and Calms Anxiety
Oil of Clove Blend (3 ml)
Analgesic for Toothaches & Stimulant for Mental Exhaustion
Root Rescue (3 ml)
Antibacterial, Antifungal, Psoriasis & Eczema
Stinger Zinger (3 ml)
Immediate Pain Relief for Wasp, Horsefly, & Bee Stings
Three Leaf Relief (3 ml)
Stops the Itching from Poison Ivy, Poison Oak & Sumac
Tick Release (3 ml)
Encourages the Removal of Ticks
Thyme Traveler (3 ml)
Wound Wash, Acne, & Oral Wash

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